This dataset represents alumina produced for use in the metallurgical industry. Alumina sourced from bauxite in the data set is intended for applications such as the production of aluminum by electrolysis. The data is specific to the methodologies and practices used in 2007 and is applicable for LCA studies of aluminum production chains or any process where metallurgical grade alumina is a required input. When using this LCA data for alumina production, the data set users should pay attention to the specific year it represents (2007), as methodologies and technological efficiencies change over time. The data should be used within the context of Chinese production practices as outlined by the CAS RCEES 2018 database. Users should be aware of the geographical and technological scope, ensuring they account for regional differences in energy generation and material processing when applying this data to broader LCA models. Additionally, any subsequent updates to the LCA database should be considered to maintain the relevancy of the assessment.