ammonium nitrate phosphate production, UPR, ecoinvent 3.6, Allocation, cut-off

ISIC4 categories:
C:Manufacturing/20:Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products/201:Manufacture of basic chemicals, fertilizers and nitrogen compounds, plastics and synthetic rubber in primary forms/2012:Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds
RoW - Rest of World
Reference year: 1999 - 2019

Reference product: nitrogen fertiliser, as N [kg]
Location: RoW - Rest-of-World
Refers to 1 kg N, resp. 1 kg P2O5 in ammonium nitrate phosphate with a N-content of 8.4% and a P2O5-content of 52.0%. The multioutput-process 'ammonium nitrate phosphate, at regional storehouse' delivers the co-products 'ammonium nitrate phosphate, as N, at regional storehouse' and 'ammonium nitrate phosphate, as P2O5, at regional storehouse'. Allocation factors are based on the energy requirements of the respective nutrients for the production processes: 48% for 'ammonium nitrate phosphate, as P2O5, at regional storehouse' and 52% for 'ammonium nitrate phosphate, as N, at regional storehouse' (exceptions see report). The allocated inventories must always be used simultaneously.

[The full documentation of this dataset was originally provided in the corresponding ecoinvent report from the Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, which is accessible for free to guests and users of ecoinvent version 2 ( The dataset may subsequently have been subjected to central changes to the database, as described in the respective change report for each new release.]
[This dataset has been generated using the system model "Allocation, cut-off by classification". A system model describes how activity datasets are linked to form product systems. The allocation cut-off system model subdivides multi-product activities by allocation, based on a physical properties, economic, mass or other properties. By-products of waste treatment processes are cut-off, as are all by-products classified as recyclable. Markets in this model include all activities in proportion to their current production volume.
Version 3 of the ecoinvent database offers three system models to choose from. For more information, please visit:…)]


Production inventory was derived from detailed literature studies and specifications from the manufacturer, relevant for the European production. Transport specifications of the fertiliser product to the regional department store, which were not included in the reference used for this inventory, were complemented by data given in Patyk & Reinhardt (1997).

Process type
Supported nomenclature
ecoinvent 3.6
LCI modeling approach
Multifunctional modeling
Aggregation type
Data provider
Review status
For sale

ecoinvent EULA