I want to become a dataset provider
Nodes joining the GLAD network commit to:
- Minimum requirements for dataset documentation: The Node commits to work towards enhanced data access and interoperability by providing the minimum metadata descriptors to enable search by users, as well as by using the agreed nomenclature mapping made available by the Network. The use of a common data exchange format and flow nomenclature is encouraged.
- The Node commits to use the Network API to enable the search of its dataset metadata descriptors, but the Node is free to develop its own solutions to participate in the Network, within the given network principles.
- In order to establish interoperability between datasets within the Network, the Node commits to the use of a common data exchange format and flow nomenclature (refer to Table 1 below).
- Freely accessible metadata: All metadata for each dataset that is searchable in the Network must be available for free (no charge to consult dataset’s metadata).
- Dataset providers are responsible for the operation of their own node and maintain full control over their node as well as the data hosted on the node. For paid databases, actual transaction should occur between the users and the individual nodes.
- License policies: Each node can have its own license policy establishing what Users can do with the datasets provided through their node. However, use of datasets accessed from other nodes may have their own license policies. Thus, license conditions need to be clear and transparent.
- Registered Nodes need to be available online, or at least post the metadata values of their datasets online and offer access to metadata descriptors for free.
- Dataset providers must demonstrate willingness and effort to present datasets with GLAD metadata and nomenclature conventions to the extent possible. GLAD reserves the right to restrict access to providers not participating in good faith according to the principles of the Network.
- Language: the Node commits to making metadata available in English as a minimum, in addition to another language if desired
- Due Diligence: The Nodes provide access to datasets that are in line with GLAD principles to the best of their knowledge and fully documented.
This supporting document for nodes provides guidance to dataset providers on how to link datasets to GLAD. It documents how the metadata descriptors which are used in the GLAD system are to be provided for common LCA datasets.
Please refer to Table 1: Short list of proposed metadata descriptors that should be available in process datasets to join the GLAD platform (Working Group 3: Core meta-data descriptors and guidance on populating descriptors)