cement production;cement, ordinary portland cement, 42.5MPa;new dry process rotary kiln, 4000 t/d;mixed solid wastes

Unit processes/Materials production/Other mineralic materials
Reference year: -

Slag-based cement (SBC). According to Chinese cement standards (GB175-2007), SBC is a kind of ordinary portland cement (OPC), which is consist of 80-95% of Portland cement clinker and appropriate gypsum, and 5-20% of granulated BFS.This plant adopted new dry process and rotary kiln with 5 stages preheater to product SBC. The production scale was about 4000 ton/day. The content of blast furnace slag (BFS) was approximately 10%.BFS was generated as a co-product of pig iron in blast furnaces, and further treated by the means of aircooling and water-quenching. Air-cooled BFS was typically used in low-grade applications; while water-quenching BFS can be grinded with gypsum as a substitute of cementitious materials in cement production. Moreover, the utilization of BFS as admixture in SBC can improve technical properties, including strength, permeability and corrosion resistance. This dataset represents the environmental impact associated with the production of ordinary portland cement with a strength of 42.5MPa in modern cement plants in Beijing, utilizing a new dry process rotary kiln with a 5-stage preheater and a daily production capacity of 4000 tons. The dataset includes the use of mixed solid wastes and a 10% BFS admixture. When utilizing this data, it is essential to ensure that its application is consistent with the defined system boundary of cement production. Consideration of the economic allocation between pig iron and BFS, as well as land use benefits from avoided slag storage, should also be factored into the LCA. It is advised that the data only apply to similar production processes and regional conditions, as generalization to other contexts may not be accurate.


This plant adopted new dry process and rotary kiln with 5 stages preheater to product SBC. The production scale was about 4000 ton/day. The content of BFS was approximately 10%.BFS was generated as a co-product of pig iron in blast furnaces, and further treated by the means of aircooling and water-quenching. Air-cooled BFS was typically used in low-grade applications; while water-quenching BFS can be grinded with gypsum as a substitute of cementitious materials in cement production. Moreover, the utilization of BFS as admixture in SBC can improve technical properties, including strength, permeability and corrosion resistance (Song and Saraswathy, 2006). Therefore, the inventory of BFS was obtained in accordance with the allocation between pig iron and BFS based on their economic value. Moreover, the land use inventories of BFS, including land occupation and land transformation, were also considered as a benefit of preventing slag storage.

Process type
LCI modeling approach
Multifunctional modeling
Aggregation type
Data provider
Review status
Tiangong LCI Data Working Group