This dataset is part of the Agribalyse v3.0 database, which is currently available in SimaPro and openLCA native formats.
Donnée AGRIBALYSE v3.0 ; 2020
This database has been produced as part of AGRIBALYSE program lead by ADEME and INRAE since 2009. It contains agricultural and food products produced and/or consumed in France. It follows CIQUAL nomenclature, the French nutritional database. AGRIBALYSEv3.0 is built upon previous work and datasets, in particular AGRIBALYSE v1.3 and v1.4 (French agricultural products); ACYVIA (food transformation), Ecoinvent v3.5 (imported products + non-food-datasets) and WFLDB v3.1 (imported products). Methodology principles follow the key international guidelines as much as possible (ISO, LEAP, PEF). All details and documentation available on<>.
Propriété : ADEME
Générateur : Gingko 21, Sayari, Blonk Consultants.
Vérificateurs : RIVM, GreenDelta, Koch Consulting.
Property rights : OpenData, licence ''Ecolab''.
Contact : [email protected]
The overall DQR of this product is: 1.81 {P: 1.99, TiR: 2.05, GR: 1.17, TeR: 2.02}
Status: Finished
Boundary with nature: Unspecified