Location: CH - Switzerland
This datasets contains the production of concrete used in civil engineering with cement CEM II/B from primary aggregates (no input of recycled gravel or sand). This concrete is humidified and in its application contains reinforcement steel or other metals. It is exposed to air and humidity as well as forst-dew cycles and chloride-containing water/deicing agents (spray mist).
Density: 2400 kg/m3, content of cement: 310 kg/m3
Exposition class according to EN 206-1: XC4, XD1, XF4
Examples of this exposition class are vertical or horizontal esterior building parts under direct weathering (exposed to rain, frost, deicing agents (as spray mist) such as construction elements of bridges with spray water, concrete ceilings, park decks, sole bathes.
Undefined unit processes (UPRs) are the unlinked, multi-product activity datasets that form the basis for all of the system models available in the ecoinvent database. This is the way the datasets are obtained and entered into the database by the data providers. These activity datasets are useful for investigating the environmental impacts of a specific activity (gate-to-gate), without regard to its upstream or downstream impacts.