Cull hen, conventional, indoor system, cage, at farm gate/FR U
This dataset is part of the Agribalyse v3.0 database, which is currently available in SimaPro and openLCA native formats.
Included processes: The inventory includes : The inventory includes : all activites of a poultry farm, that is (1) all inputs as livestock (young animal), feeds, water (watering and cleaning), fuels and energy used for the hatchery as well as the transport to the farm; (2) the buildings and barns (3) emissions due to the effluent management
The temporal border of the inventory is 'one year of production'.
Cut-off rule, exclusion : The inventory does not include vet products and cares, artificial insemination process, small cleaning material and all processes occuring outside of the farm (slaughtering, processing, conservation etc).
Refers to 1 kg of egg or 1 kg (live weight) of cull hen.
Allocation: Allocation to the coproducts egg and cull hen has been performed using the biophysical allocation approach. Eggs : 100% of the laying hens stage. Cull hens : 100% of the future reproductives, reproductives and youg hens stages.
Remark: Status of LCI: AGRIBALYSE V1.4 (Unpublished) February 2019
Coproducts: 812231.94 kg Egg, 43977.0 Cull hen (weight 1,91 kg)
ILCD – Overall data quality :
Technological representativeness (TeR) = 1 : Very good
Geographical representativeness (GR) = 1 : Very good
Time-related representativeness (TiR) = 1 : Very good
Completeness (C) = 2 : Good
Precision / uncertainty (P) = 1 : Very good
Methodological appropriateness and consistency (M) = 2 : Good
Final note = 1,6 : High quality
All background data originates either from ecoinvent 3.4, INRA or AGRIBALYSE.
Dataset was generated by MEANS-InOut software. Models used : [N2O - IPCC 2006, tier 2; NO - EMEP/EEA, 2016 - Tier 1; N - ITAVI 2013; CH4 - IPCC 2006b; NO3 - Basset-Mens 2007; NH3 - EMEP 2009, tier 2; ]
Technology: Conventional production - production mode: Integrated egg production, indoor cage system.
Time period: Inventory data based on the period : undefined
Version: 0.0
Energy values: Net values
Source file: Egg - Conventional p_MEANS#1425-Ecoinvent v3.4.xml
Boundary with nature: Unspecified
Record: Data entry by: Ponchant Paul ; Telephone: 00 33 2 96 70 00 05 ; Company: ITAVI ; Country: FR ; Salou Thibault ; Company: INRA ; Country: FR
Generator: Generator/publicator: MEANS-Team - E-mail: ; Compagny: INRA ; Country: FR
OpenLicence, free access: Users can use, modify and share the data as long as they properly mention the initial data source. Referencing required: “AGRIBALYSE v3.0 - ADEME 2020“