Dairy cow building, with stall, liquid manure, mostly steel (lowland)/FR U
This dataset is part of the Agribalyse v3.0 database, which is currently available in SimaPro and openLCA native formats.
Translated name: bovin lait - bétiment avec logettes, lisier, majoritairement acier (vache latière plaine)
Included processes: The inventory includes: the construction materials and building machines for construction (as well as their repair and replacement including waste disposal). Excluded are : transportation of the materials to the building site, the direct emission of the construction, disposal of production waste and the use of resources during utilization phase as well as all impacts related to the animal husbandry.
Remark: Status of LCI: AGRIBALYSE V1.4 (Unpublished) February 2019 - supporting LCI (based on data from INRA UMR SAS and from the project CASDAR 'Application d’une démarche d’éco-construction et de management environnemental aux bétiments d’élevage'. Personnal communication from Jean-Michel BLANCHIN - IDELE - 29/08/2011).
Refers to 1 place during 1 year of a 'Dairy cow building, with stall, liquid manure, mostly steel (lowland)/p/FR'.
Liftetime of building: 35 years. Size of 1 place: 10,5m2.
Geography: Europe, Western
Technology: Unspecified
Time period: Inventory data based on the period 2005-2009.
Version: 1.30
Energy values: Net values
Source file: AGRIBALYSEV1.3.XMLStatus: Finished
Boundary with nature: Unspecified
Record: Data entry by: AGRIBALYSE - Data Control; E-mail: agribalyse@ademe.fr; Company: ADEME; Country: FR
Generator: Generator/publicator: AGRIBALYSE - Data Control; E-mail: agribalyse@ademe.fr; Company: ADEME; Country: FR
OpenLicence, free access: Users can use, modify and share the data as long as they properly mention the initial data source. Referencing required: “AGRIBALYSE v3.0 - ADEME 2020“ https://www.etalab.gouv.fr/licence-ouverte-open-licence