This dataset is part of the Agribalyse v3.0 database, which is currently available in SimaPro and openLCA native formats.
Translated name: Diesel/gazole, brûle dans une centrale de cogénération de 200 kW éléctrique, dans une serre
Adapted from ecoinvent 2.2
Included processes: The inventory includes : the fuel input, emissions to air, and substances needed for operation. This is an adaptation of an ecoinvent inventory, all infrastructure related inputs were removed, because they are included in the greenhouse inventory.
Remark: Status of LCI: AGRIBALYSE V1.4 (Unpublished) February 2019 - supporting LCI.
Refers to 1 MJ of 'Diesel, burned in cogen 200kWe of greenhouse'
Geography: Emissions and efficiencies adjusted to Swiss emission regulation (LRV, Luftreinhalteverordnung) valid in year 2000.
Technology: Average technology available on market.
Time period: Inventory data based on the period 2005-2009.
Version: 1.30
Energy values: Net values
Source file: AGRIBALYSEV1.3.XMLStatus: Finished
Boundary with nature: Unspecified
Record: Data entry by: Thomas Heck
Telephone: 0041 56 310 2651; E-mail: [email protected]; Company: PSI; Country: CH
Generator: Generator/publicator: Thomas Heck
Telephone: 0041 56 310 2651; E-mail: [email protected]; Company: PSI; Country: CH