electricity production, hard coal, UPR, ecoinvent 3.6, Undefined
Location: TH - Thailand
This dataset represents the production of high voltage electricity in an average hard coal power plant in Thailand in 2012. 'Hard coal' includes anthracite, coking coal and other bituminous coal according to the definition of the IEA electricity information 2014. (IEA. 2014. Electricity Information 2014. ISBN 978-92-64-21692-1. International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris Cedex (FR).)
All exchanges in this dataset except for emissions of SO2, NOx and particles are production-weighted averages of the figures in the datasets in ecoinvent version two, which are valid for the following 14 countries: AT, BE, ES, FR, IT, NL, PT, DE, CZ, HR, PL, SK, CN, US. The exception values are production-weighted averages of version 2 countries and the new countries in version 3 (AU, CA, CL, ID, IN, KR, MX, MY, PE, RU, TH, TR, TW, TZ, UA, ZA)
Comments on the inventory data of emissions:
- For the assessment of main characteristics (sulphur and ash content of coal, efficiency of the plant) and CO2 a bottom-up approach has been used. It consists in the collection of information about single plants.
- The size distribution of particle emissions has been derived from German data.
- Halogene emissions have been estimated on the basis of the content of the species in the country-specific coal input mix, assuming average retention rates.
- For CO and particle emissions average values for the former UCTE are included (Union for the Coordination of the Transmission of Electricity, since 2009 replaced by ENTSO-E European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity).
- The country specific emission depend on the share of DeNOx.
- Emissions of trace elements were calculated by means of a formula (CORINAIR) using the ash content in the country-specific coal input mix and average transfer coefficients for coal power plants, taking into account the share of DeSOx installed.
- Emission of uranium and thorium radioactive isotopes were assumed proportional to the corresponding element emitted with particles; the other non-gaseous radioactive isotopes of the uranium and thorium decay chain were assumed proportional to the emitted U-238 or Th-232.
- The emission of gaseous radon and K-40 are taken from the literature.
IEA. 2009. Coal information, 2009 edition. Documentation for beyond 2020 files. International Energy Agency.
European Environment Agency (1991) CORINAIR Inventory; VOC's Default Emission Factors
[This dataset is meant to replace the following datasets:]
Undefined unit processes (UPRs) are the unlinked, multi-product activity datasets that form the basis for all of the system models available in the ecoinvent database. This is the way the datasets are obtained and entered into the database by the data providers. These activity datasets are useful for investigating the environmental impacts of a specific activity (gate-to-gate), without regard to its upstream or downstream impacts.
Hard coal power plant input is a market mix of 100MWe power plants (representing all power plants with a capacity <250MWe and 7% of the installed capacity) and 500MWe power plants (representing all power plants with a capacity >250MWe and 93% of the installed capacity). The plants are used for middle load with 4000 hours of operation at full capacity per year. The plants are assumed to operate 150000 hours during its lifetime.
- Average efficiency: {{efficiency}}
- Share of installed capacity with desulfurisation 1% (figure based on IEA 212 )
- Average efficiency of desulfurisation installations: 92% no data
- Share of installed capacity with denitrification (primary and/or secondary installations): 9% (figure based on IEA 212 )
- Average efficiency of denitrification installations: 6% (estimation based on Dones et al. 27, p.128. Valid for primary denitrification systems)
- Share of installed capacity with particle filters: 95% (figure based on IEA 212 )
- Average efficiency of particle filters: no data
- IEA 2012. Coal Power Database. International Energy Agency Clean Coal Centre, London
- IEA/OECD. 2010. Electricity Information 2010. International Energy Agency (IEA), Paris Cedex (FR). Part IV. Detailed OECD Electricity And Heat Data.
- Dones, R., Bauer, C., Röder, A. (2007) Kohle. In: Dones, R. (Ed.) et al., Sachbilanzen von Energiesystemen: Grundlagen für den ökologischen Vergleich von Energiesystemen und den Einbezug von Energiesystemen in Ökobilanzen für die Schweiz. Final report ecoinvent No.
ecoinvent EULA