Reference product: electricity, high voltage [kWh]
Location: CN-GD - China, Guangdong (广东)
This dataset represents the production of 1 kWh of electricity in a pumped storage power plant unit in China - Guangdong in 2012. The calculation of this dataset is based on data of reservoir hydro power plant units. For this, a representative sample of various types of dams in Switzerland is taken into account, i.e. 52 reservoir power plants with an annual gross production output of 17.8 TWh and an installed capacity of 9130 MW. Reservoir power plants and pumped storage power plants are dealt with together due to the fact that the construction efforts are related. Lifetime is assumed to be 150 years for the dam and 80 years for the rest of materials. The data refers to plant operation of a mix of types of dams built between 1945 and 1970; therefore they might not be representative for more modern construction, for an individual type and for small-scale and smallest-scale plants.
[This dataset has been generated using the system model "Allocation, cut-off by classification". A system model describes how activity datasets are linked to form product systems. The allocation cut-off system model subdivides multi-product activities by allocation, based on a physical properties, economic, mass or other properties. By-products of waste treatment processes are cut-off, as are all by-products classified as recyclable. Markets in this model include all activities in proportion to their current production volume.
Version 3 of the ecoinvent database offers three system models to choose from. For more information, please visit:…)]