This dataset is part of the Agribalyse v3.0 database, which is currently available in SimaPro and openLCA native formats.
Translated name: Eléctricité, mix de production, Maroc
Included processes: The inventory includes: the production in- and outputs as well as the energy demand.
Remark: Status of LCI: AGRIBALYSE V1.4 (Unpublished) February 2019 - supporting LCI.
Refers to 1 kWh of 'Electricity, production mix'
Geography: Morocco
Technology: Unspecified
Time period: Inventory data based on the period 2005-2009.
Version: 1.30
Energy values: Net valuesStatus: Finished
Boundary with nature: Unspecified
Record: Data entry by: AGRIBALYSE - Data Control; E-mail:; Company: ADEME; Country: FR
Generator: Generator/publicator: AGRIBALYSE - Data Control; E-mail:; Company: ADEME; Country: FR