energy, town gas 13A combustion Categories: Categories: Gas/Town Gas/Town Gas Location: JP - Japan Reference year: 2008 - 2010 Description This unit process represents the production/service of 1MJ of energy, town gas 13A combustion ,in Japan created from statistical information and other sources. The system boundary of this process is "(inputting a city gas) -> combustion." Technology Emissions associated with combustion of town gas Go to dataset Process typeUnit Supported nomenclatureOther, ECOSPOLD2 LCI modeling approachAttributional Multifunctional modelingCAUSAL FormatOther Aggregation typeUNKNOWN Data providerIDEA Review statusInternal CostFor sale LicenseFull unit process access. CopyrightedYes Copyright holderAIST, JEMAI Contactsupport (at)