The iron ore mined from the beneficiation process is utilized for the production of iron and steel. The high-grade ore resulting from this process is essential for manufacturing various forms of steel products used in construction, automotive, shipbuilding, and machinery manufacturing industries. It is also a critical raw material for foundries and is used in applications where the purity and quality of the iron content are important. When using this data set for Life Cycle Assessment, attention should be paid on whether the impact of land use during the mining process is included. It is equally important to consider the energy consumption and potential pollutants released during the beneficiation stage. The geographical and technological applicability of the data should be verified as it might vary according to the location and the specific beneficiation technologies used. Users should also consider the end-of-life scenarios for the products made with this iron ore and understand how the inclusion or exclusion of recycling practices may affect the overall impact assessment.