The future supply routes for spodumene are described in technical reports of operations at the Whabouchi site, Canada and the Central Ostrobothnia region, Finland. While neither Canada nor Finland are among the countries with the largest lithium reserves (USGS, 2021), they represent examples of new lithium supplies that might become exploited in response to increased lithium demand. The average lithium concentration in spodumene at the Whabouchi site is about 0.7% and in Central Ostrobothnia region it is 0.6%. In these future supply routes, concentrated spodumene is directly converted to LiOH⋅H2O without producing Li2CO3 as an intermediate. The datasets representing mining operations in Canada and Finland are based on the technical reports prepared for Nemaska Lithium Inc. (Golder Associates, 2013; Laferri´ere et al., 2012; Nemaska Lithium Inc., 2013; SENES Consultants Ltd., 2013) and Keliber Oy (Keliber Oy, 2020a, b; Sweco, 2016), respectively. Specific data for chemical inputs was not available for the LiOH⋅H2O production unit process (from concentrated spodumene) in the Nemaska Lithium reports. Therefore, the chemical usage in the Keliber Oy reports were used as proxy data when comparing the different lithium supplies.