The feed described in this paper is mainly energy feed, including: corn, wheat, soybean, sorghum, rice. In fact, in the process of livestock breeding, livestock feed is mainly composed of corn, wheat and soybeans. Feed crop planting stage mainly includes fertilizer production stage, corn, soybean, wheat planting stage. When utilizing this LCA data set, users should consider the specific feed composition and production stages of the feed crops involved. Attention should be paid to the energy feed ingredients namely corn, wheat, soybeans, sorghum, and rice, and their respective proportions in the feed formula. The geographical scope and the farming practices of the field research, including the years 2014-2015, must be taken into account as these can affect the sustainability metrics. Users should also reflect on the methodological aspects of feed consumption, energy (coal and electricity) data collection, and how these figures relate to the production of 1kg of pork within the system boundary.