Production stage ; crude oil ; seismic exploration, drilling, and well repair

Unit processes/Energy carriers and technologies/Crude oil based fuels
Reference year: 2004 -

The main engineering categories to be carried out in the exploration and exploitation stage of petroleum include seismic exploration, drilling, workover, oil and gas accumulation and storage, etc. . According to the different regions are divided into onshore oil mining and offshore oil mining. In these processes, the main impact on the environment are noise, waste water, waste gas, and solid waste, but the most important is waste water, solid waste, these two parts. The following analysis of their impact and energy consumption Users of this LCA data set should take into account the high oil loss rates during the exploitation and refining stages, adopting measures to minimize losses. Special attention is required for water recycling and reuse to mitigate wastewater pollution and conserve resources. Considering the significant environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of oil usage, data users should incorporate the provided data into a broader environmental management strategy, while factoring in the current lack of viable alternatives to petroleum products and their widespread application.


The main engineering categories to be carried out in petroleum exploration and production stage include seismic exploration, drilling, workover, oil and gas storage. According to the different areas of exploitation, it is divided into onshore oil exploitation and offshore oil exploitation. In these processes, the impact on the environment is mainly noise, waste water, waste gas and solid waste, but the most important is the two parts of wastewater and solid waste. Seismic exploration is usually divided into three stages: seismic data acquisition, processing and interpretation. The techniques commonly used in seismic exploration include seismic source release (such as explosion source or vibration source), seismometer layout, seismic data recording and digital processing. Drilling technology involves the selection and operation of drilling equipment, the design and use of drill bit and drill pipe, and the circulation and management of drilling fluid. Common drilling methods include rotary drilling, circulation drilling and non-circulation drilling.Workover technology involves the repair of borehole wall, installation and fixing of casing, cement sealing and so on. The operation of the workover depends on the depth of the hole, the geology and the condition of the hole.

Process type
LCI modeling approach
Multifunctional modeling
Aggregation type
Data provider
Review status
Tiangong LCI Data Working Group