The described process is utilized in the mining industry for the production of rare earth elements (REEs) via the bastnaesite route. This involves the use of solvent extraction techniques to refine the mined ore after preliminary processes like precipitation and calcination. The mined product is primarily used in various high-tech applications, including electronics, magnets, renewable energy technologies, and as catalysts in chemical synthesis. The life cycle inventory (LCI) data set derived from this study is specific to the solvent extraction of REEs via the bastnaesite route in the Seven Southern Provinces. Care should be taken when comparing this LCI data set with others as variations in mineralogy, radioactivity, and waste treatment processes can lead to inconsistency. Studies exemplifying radioactivity and quantifying waste treatment flows should particularly note the methodology used for these assessments. When considering co-mining impacts, it is important to assess the co-products in addition to REEs. This LCI data represents the environmental inputs and outputs associated with the production of 1 kg of a basket of REO from the specified mineral and processing route.