treatment of residue from mechanical treatment, laser printer, municipal waste incineration, UPR, ecoinvent 3.6, Allocation, cut-off

ISIC4 categories:
E:Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities/38:Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery/382:Waste treatment and disposal/3821:Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
RoW - Rest of World
Reference year: 2006 - 2019

Reference product: electricity, for reuse in municipal waste incineration only [kWh]
Location: RoW - Rest-of-World
This dataset represents the activity of waste disposal of residue from mechanical treatment, laser printer in a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) // Recommended use of this dataset: Only for incineration of shredder residues generated in the recycling (mechanical treatment) of laser printers // Inventoried waste contains 1.92% rubber; 47.1% Plastics from electronic consumer goods; 47.1% Plastics from electronic industrial goods; 1.42% MSWI iron scrap; 0.151% Alu in MSW; 2.25% wiring copper; . // Waste composition (wet, in ppm): upper heating value 34.74 MJ/kg; lower heating value 33.3 MJ/kg; H2O 8644.9; O 50262; H 71805; C 784170; S 411.86; N 12537; P 482.64; B n.a.; Cl 6388.1; Br 5184.3; F 235.65; I n.a.; Ag n.a.; As 7.0695; Ba 166.84; Cd 142.06; Co 27.785; Cr 66.493; Cu 25690; Hg 0.80123; Mn 40.518; Mo 2.8278; Ni 487.12; Pb 144.39; Sb 4523; Se 1.8471; Sn 200.84; V 4.2501; Zn 725.91; Be 0.43978; Sc n.a.; Sr 77.842; Ti 4220; Tl 0.35183; W n.a.; Si 3233.4; Fe 13043; Ca 2933.4; Al 3901.8; K 110.28; Mg n.a.; Na 131.49; // Share of carbon in waste that is biogenic 0%. // Share of metals in waste not oxidised and bulk-recyclable (exclude very small or thin parts) Iron: 88.6%; Alu: 38.39%; Copper: 87.53%. // One kg of this waste produces 0.07209 kg of slag and 0.02138 kg of residues, which are landfilled. Additional solidification with 0.008552 kg of cement. // Net energy production: 4.27MJ/kg electric energy and 8.3MJ/kg thermal energy. // Recovery of metal scrap to recycling: 6.6787g iron scrap, 0.41595g aluminium scrap, 6.8803g copper scrap.
[This dataset has been generated using the system model "Allocation, cut-off by classification". A system model describes how activity datasets are linked to form product systems. The allocation cut-off system model subdivides multi-product activities by allocation, based on a physical properties, economic, mass or other properties. By-products of waste treatment processes are cut-off, as are all by-products classified as recyclable. Markets in this model include all activities in proportion to their current production volume.
Version 3 of the ecoinvent database offers three system models to choose from. For more information, please visit:…)]


average Swiss MSWI plants in 2010 (grate incinerators) with electrostatic precipitator for fly ash (ESP), wet flue gas scrubber and 25% SNCR , 42.77% SCR-high dust , 32.68% SCR-low dust -DeNOx facilities and 0% without Denox (weighted according to mass of burnt waste, representing Swiss average). Efficiency of iron scrap separation from slag : 58%. Efficiency of non-ferrous scrap separation from slag : 31%. Gross electric efficiency technology mix 15.84% and Gross thermal efficiency technology mix 28.51%

Process type
Supported nomenclature
ecoinvent 3.6
LCI modeling approach
Multifunctional modeling
Aggregation type
Data provider
Review status
For sale

ecoinvent EULA