treatment of waste polypropylene, open dump, wet infiltration class (500mm), UPR, ecoinvent 3.6, Undefined

ISIC4 categories:
E:Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities/38:Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery/382:Waste treatment and disposal/3821:Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
GLO - Global
Reference year: 2006 - 2012

Location: GLO - Global
This dataset represents the activity of waste disposal of waste polypropylene in a open dump. Recommended use of this dataset: For PP, which goes to disposal as part of unmanaged communal waste mixture. // Waste composition (wet, in ppm): upper heating value 36.16 MJ/kg; lower heating value 32.78 MJ/kg; H2O 159000; O 32454; H 103430; C 694120; S 360.46; N 1095.3; P n.a.; B n.a.; Cl 1234.1; Br 8.0972; F 12.146; I n.a.; Ag n.a.; As 1.5385; Ba 202.43; Cd 28.663; Co 1.417; Cr 10.526; Cu 34.93; Hg 0.040486; Mn 25.371; Mo n.a.; Ni 0.80972; Pb 19.079; Sb 8.5021; Se 1.7004; Sn 3.2205; V 1862.4; Zn 288.78; Be 0.40486; Sc n.a.; Sr 71.661; Ti 809.72; Tl 0.32389; W n.a.; Si n.a.; Fe 1295.6; Ca 2186.3; Al 161.94; K n.a.; Mg 80.972; Na 1186.6; . // Share of carbon in waste that is biogenic 0%. Share of metals in waste not oxidised and bulk-recyclable (exclude very small or thin parts) Iron: 0%; Alu: 0%; Copper: 0%. Overall degradability of waste during 100 years: 1%.
Undefined unit processes (UPRs) are the unlinked, multi-product activity datasets that form the basis for all of the system models available in the ecoinvent database. This is the way the datasets are obtained and entered into the database by the data providers. These activity datasets are useful for investigating the environmental impacts of a specific activity (gate-to-gate), without regard to its upstream or downstream impacts.


This is an inventory for an open, uncontrolled waste dump for municipal solid waste. Ultimate average landfill height is 7 meters. Operation phase duration is 15 years.Percentage of landfill gas directly emitted is 100w%. A Methane Correction Factor (MCF) for landfill air emissions of 0.7057 is employed.
Leachate of the landfill is not treated. Based on average waste composition and climate data the end of carbonate phase is estimated to be reached 1632 years after waste deposition.

Process type
Supported nomenclature
ecoinvent 3.6
LCI modeling approach
Before modeling
Multifunctional modeling
Aggregation type
Data provider
Review status
For sale

ecoinvent EULA