Reference product: zinc in car shredder residue [kg]
Location: RoW - Rest-of-World
This dataset represents the activity of waste disposal of zinc in car shredder residue in a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) // Recommended use of this dataset: For disposal of rather fine or dusty zinc, which goes to incineration as part of Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR). Due to fine grain size of the particles, 50% burnability is assumed, therefore not suited for less fine zinc parts in waste. Pure, isolated zinc fractions will not be disposed in incinerators, but rather go to recycling. // Inventoried waste contains 50% Zn in ASR burnable; 50% Zn in ASR inert; . // Waste composition (wet, in ppm): H2O n.a.; O n.a.; H n.a.; C n.a.; S n.a.; N n.a.; P n.a.; B n.a.; Cl n.a.; Br n.a.; F n.a.; I n.a.; Ag n.a.; As n.a.; Ba n.a.; Cd n.a.; Co n.a.; Cr n.a.; Cu n.a.; Hg n.a.; Mn n.a.; Mo n.a.; Ni n.a.; Pb n.a.; Sb n.a.; Se n.a.; Sn n.a.; V n.a.; Zn 1000000; Be n.a.; Sc n.a.; Sr n.a.; Ti n.a.; Tl n.a.; W n.a.; Si n.a.; Fe n.a.; Ca n.a.; Al n.a.; K n.a.; Mg n.a.; Na n.a.; // Share of carbon in waste that is biogenic 60.4%. // Share of metals in waste not oxidised and bulk-recyclable (exclude very small or thin parts) Iron: 0%; Alu: 0%; Copper: 0%. // One kg of this waste produces 0.9696 kg of slag and 0.438 kg of residues, which are landfilled. Additional solidification with 0.1752 kg of cement. // Net energy production: 0MJ/kg electric energy and 0MJ/kg thermal energy. // Recovery of metal scrap to recycling: 0g iron scrap, 0g aluminium scrap, 0g copper scrap.
[This dataset has been generated using the system model "Allocation, cut-off by classification". A system model describes how activity datasets are linked to form product systems. The allocation cut-off system model subdivides multi-product activities by allocation, based on a physical properties, economic, mass or other properties. By-products of waste treatment processes are cut-off, as are all by-products classified as recyclable. Markets in this model include all activities in proportion to their current production volume.
Version 3 of the ecoinvent database offers three system models to choose from. For more information, please visit:…)]